Thursday 31 October 2013

2013 Demo Reel, tricks, flips, parkour, stunts, and martial arts

Hey everyone,

In this weeks post I'm going to be talking about some of the experiences I have had doing tricks, flips, and kicks.

In the past year I have put a lot of my efforts into getting into stunts for film and television. I started off doing small short films for friends, to get experienced. As I got better at stunts, I started doing auditions, for music videos, and ended up working as stunts, and stunt/actors for Alyssa Reid, Data Lyfe, Neverest, and Autoerotique. I've also done a web commercial for Coca-Cola, and an action video for IGN. As I've progressed in my career, I achieved my actra status byworking on an independent film called "Meza".

Some of the things that have helped my stunt career thus far, is having a lot of support from my friends and family, as well as all the training I have done.

Being good at tricking, acrobatics, martial arts, parkour all helps when trying to get into stunts. Being able to have a wide range of skills, is going to be better for you, than specializing in one of the skills above.

As you get more and more into stunts, you're going to realize some of the most important skills to have are breakfalls, wire work, high falls, and fight choreography.

I posted a video of footage of the work I've done, as well as some clips of previs, tricking, parkour, and martial arts.

I hope you enjoy the video! Check it out!

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