Wednesday 16 October 2013


Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoyed last weeks post on breakfalls and the video of me throwing myself to the ground in different ways. In this weeks post I am going to be talking about kicks! In tricking my favourite moves are always kicks, I find kicks so fun to do because your moving and spinning in so many different ways and unleashing a kick with the force to take someones head off. I think might have something to do with my martial arts background.

Now if you're like me you will find yourself practicing kick tricks all day long, because theres so much you can do with them. You can kick on the ground in the air, on your hands, and doing flips; the possibilities are endless.

The one thing I find these days in tricking is that people tend to pride themselves on doing the most amount of twists before they kick even if their kick only goes up to their waste. When I practice kick tricks I try to make each move distinct and sharp. I want to have full extension on my kick with pointed toes, and I try my best to get each kick as high as I can. Personally I would rather see a clean jacknife by Anis Cheurfa, then a cheat 1260 with a kick that is non existent.

Ways to improve the cleanliness of your kicks:

1. Stretch, stretch, and stretch. The more flexible you are the higher you're going to be able to get those kicks, and the more impressive they are going to look. (centre, and side splits)

2. Practice your basics, practice kicks on the ground such as your round house kicks, and hook kicks, and make sure you are point your toes, and getting full extension on the leg.

3. Kick a target! If you have something to hit while practicing basics or even trick kicks, your more likely to build up the habit of kick and snapping your kick as hard as you can.

4. Drill your kick tricks! Don't do it once and move on to the next move. Practice it until you can do it in your sleep.

5. Try doing it in combos, this makes it more challenging and more fun to do.

Here's a video of me practicing some kick tricks! Enjoy! Comment and Subscribe!

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