Target Market

Target Market 

Age: 14-20
Gender: Male
Income: $10,000-$30,000
Education: high school, high school graduate, college
Family Situation: single, living at home, single, not married

Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
City: Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton

Interests: karate, gymnastics, parkour, break dancing
Attitudes: healthy, and outgoing, likes to be busy
Likes: challenges, being active, staying fit, being proactive
Hobbies: likes to watch action movies, make youtube videos, and hang out with friends
Habits: uses cell phones, and social media to connect with friends, and family

Usage Rate: practices karate, gymnastics, parkour, and breakdancing 3-5 times a week
Benefits: fitness, health, self-satisfaction
Loyalty: spreads the word; tells people how benefitting movement is to your mind and body