
Nick Jones is a 17 year old male, who lives in Mississauga, Ontario. He goes to high school, and will most likely be attending college or university in the next year. At the moment he’s single and living at home. He’s outgoing, positive and is always determined to do the best he can at everything in his life. He loves to be happy.

He’s always busy juggling his school work, his friends, and his training. He likes to keep busy, and is constantly learning how to better himself everyday. He has been doing martial arts for several years, and has recently started learning acrobatics, tricking and parkour. He is starting to notice how difficult, acrobatics, tricking, and parkour can be, but he is determined to learn these styles of movements, and be the best he can be at them. He loves learning new things, and always has a positive attitude even when things go downhill, or are very difficult to get through. 

Nick, also enjoys watching action movies with his friends, and making youtube videos on his spare time. One of his favourite action stars, is Jackie Chan. One day he hopes to be a stuntman for film and television just like his favourite action star. He uses his smartphone to connect with friends, family, and to his social media accounts. He likes to stay in touch with people, and he enjoys being social.