Tuesday 1 October 2013

Hard Ground Training

Hey all,

Hope you enjoyed last weeks tutorial! This week I'm going to talk about ways to help you improve your tricks. Most people train their tricks on sprung floors, and use matts to land on. Yes! That is the safest way to learn and practice a trick. What trickers also tend to do (note: nothing wrong with this) is trick in their bare feet.

The point I'm trying to get across is that when most people train, we tend to train in the perfect environment where everything is easy to land and get height. Sprung floors give you tons of height if used properly, and matts cushion our landing. What also makes training easy is doing it bare foot, because there is no extra weight on your feet to slow you kicks and flips down.

The next point I'm trying to get at is, if you want to make your tricks more practical try doing them outside with shoes on to make your training more difficult. Training with shoes on will help increase your vert because you're adding weight to your feet. It's an easy way to push yourself to the next level.

What I also suggest doing (only for advanced trickers) is trying to do your tricks on concrete with shoes on. Training on concrete will strengthen your muscles tenfold because there is nothing to bounce you up or absorb your landing. When I train on concrete I only do tricks I'm 100% sure that I'll land every time. This isn't the place to try new skills, it's the place to strengthen your body, and improve your tricks.

In the video below I'm training on hard ground, with shoes on. It personally helps me level up, take a look and try it for yourself (only advanced trickers :P)

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