Wednesday 6 November 2013

Tricks, kicks, flips, from the best. Anis Cheurfa!

Hey everyone,

I hope you enjoyed last weeks episode of kicks, tricks, and flips. This week I'm going to be talking about one of my favourite trickers, who inspires me to trick. One of my all time favourite trickers, is Anis Cheurfa. If you're into tricking than you definitely know who he is, as well as his amazing style.

When I first started tricking I thought Anis was the greatest tricker, as I learnt more about tricking I began to like his style more, and more as I watched him. I started out liking him because he could do some of the hardest, and most difficult tricks at the time. He could swing through corks, like it was nothing, and spam dubs like it was nothing.

I began to truly understand his style, when I compared him to many other trickers. Almost everyone who tricks can do a cork screw, or spam a dub. It's not as impressive as it used to be. Anis has made his style so clean and crisp, every move he does looks perfect to the point that he must've done it a million times before. The reason I like his style is because when he does a kick, it's real, if he hit you with it, it would hurt a lot, and he makes sure his toes are pointed, and everything is done with perfect technique.

It looks as if he works on perfecting moves, instead of adding a twist, and I truly appreciate the way he perfects his moves, because he makes every move his own.

Take a look at this video and watch what tricking should look like!

This is what inspires me to be the best I can be!


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