Wednesday 13 November 2013

XSD at Rampulla's! Kicks, flips, tricks, parkour!

Hey everyone,

Hope you all enjoyed last weeks post about one of my favourite trickers! This week I'm going to talk about flips, kicks, and tricks in Rampulla's XSD class. This class is dedicated to combine acrobatics, martial arts, stunts, and parkour all in one. The class ranges from basic to advanced levels, as well as a wide range of ages. It's challenging and fun at the same time, because students work their butts off to learn a trick or move, and when they get it, the feeling of achievement is amazing. 

The one thing I have learned from teaching XSD is that everyone learns differently, and everyone is going to learn things at a different place. I've seen some students learn tricks their first try and others take years of training to get it down. The most important thing I tell them is that if you work hard, and continue to work hard anything is possible. It took me a year and a half to learn a back tuck, and I trained that move every single day. Everyone learns at a different pace. 

What I leave about teaching students, is that I get the chance to see them grow, I've seen students who first started who could barely do a cartwheel, and now they are doing cartwheel fulltwists like it's nothing. The transformation is amazing to see, it also shows what hard work and dedication can do. 

I love teaching XSD because it's what I love doing. I love being able to share my knowledge with people who are interested in the same thing I am. Tricking, flips, stunts, parkour and martial arts is my life. I want to be able to teach them everything I know and make them the best they can be in all aspects of their life. I want to be able to inspire, and motivate them every day. That's what XSD means to me. 

I put together a quick video of one of the classes that I decided to a small vaulting set-up. Check it out and enjoy!

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