Wednesday 20 November 2013

The art of swingthroughs! Tricking, kicks, martial arts!

Hey everyone,

This week were going to talk about an advanced style of tricking that most people want to attain at some point in the tricking career. This week were going to be discussing swingthroughs. Swingthroughs are an important part in tricking because it enables you to link moves with put your foot on the ground. It's very difficult to do and you have to make sure your flips, and tricks are up to par before trying swingthroughs or you could hurt your ankles and knees pretty badly.

Some of the best ways to start swingthroughs are to attempt them from scoots or t/d raise because they are moves that meant to set up a swingthrough. These are probably the two easiest ways to get started. Once you feel like you have a good set, start chucking gainers, and than eventually corks. I always suggest trying to practice the move until it becomes second nature, and then moving on to something harder. It's always best to have clean consistent tricks rather than huge, land them 1 in 10 tries kind of tricks.

The next step to swingthroughs is to try them out of a twisting move such as a btwist, cork, or even full twist. Once you feel comfortable swinging out of almost any move try doing more than one. Such as cork swingthrough cork, swingthrough gainer. Build yourself up until you can swingthrough continuously at ease. Swingthroughs are very difficult to get down solid, but once you learn them you feel like a beast when you're throwing down tricks.

I hope you guys can learn from this, and inspire some of you to do swingthroughs! Level up and keep on tricking. Here's a link to a video of me practicing swingthroughs! I'm still learning how to do them penis as well, so hopefully you can watch me fail and stick some tricks! Keep practicing those flips, kicks, and tricks.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

XSD at Rampulla's! Kicks, flips, tricks, parkour!

Hey everyone,

Hope you all enjoyed last weeks post about one of my favourite trickers! This week I'm going to talk about flips, kicks, and tricks in Rampulla's XSD class. This class is dedicated to combine acrobatics, martial arts, stunts, and parkour all in one. The class ranges from basic to advanced levels, as well as a wide range of ages. It's challenging and fun at the same time, because students work their butts off to learn a trick or move, and when they get it, the feeling of achievement is amazing. 

The one thing I have learned from teaching XSD is that everyone learns differently, and everyone is going to learn things at a different place. I've seen some students learn tricks their first try and others take years of training to get it down. The most important thing I tell them is that if you work hard, and continue to work hard anything is possible. It took me a year and a half to learn a back tuck, and I trained that move every single day. Everyone learns at a different pace. 

What I leave about teaching students, is that I get the chance to see them grow, I've seen students who first started who could barely do a cartwheel, and now they are doing cartwheel fulltwists like it's nothing. The transformation is amazing to see, it also shows what hard work and dedication can do. 

I love teaching XSD because it's what I love doing. I love being able to share my knowledge with people who are interested in the same thing I am. Tricking, flips, stunts, parkour and martial arts is my life. I want to be able to teach them everything I know and make them the best they can be in all aspects of their life. I want to be able to inspire, and motivate them every day. That's what XSD means to me. 

I put together a quick video of one of the classes that I decided to a small vaulting set-up. Check it out and enjoy!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Tricks, kicks, flips, from the best. Anis Cheurfa!

Hey everyone,

I hope you enjoyed last weeks episode of kicks, tricks, and flips. This week I'm going to be talking about one of my favourite trickers, who inspires me to trick. One of my all time favourite trickers, is Anis Cheurfa. If you're into tricking than you definitely know who he is, as well as his amazing style.

When I first started tricking I thought Anis was the greatest tricker, as I learnt more about tricking I began to like his style more, and more as I watched him. I started out liking him because he could do some of the hardest, and most difficult tricks at the time. He could swing through corks, like it was nothing, and spam dubs like it was nothing.

I began to truly understand his style, when I compared him to many other trickers. Almost everyone who tricks can do a cork screw, or spam a dub. It's not as impressive as it used to be. Anis has made his style so clean and crisp, every move he does looks perfect to the point that he must've done it a million times before. The reason I like his style is because when he does a kick, it's real, if he hit you with it, it would hurt a lot, and he makes sure his toes are pointed, and everything is done with perfect technique.

It looks as if he works on perfecting moves, instead of adding a twist, and I truly appreciate the way he perfects his moves, because he makes every move his own.

Take a look at this video and watch what tricking should look like!

This is what inspires me to be the best I can be!
