Tuesday 24 September 2013

Back Tuck Tutorial

Hey all,

Welcome to the second blog in kicks, flips and tricks! I'm excited about this weeks topic because it's about a move that I wanted to learn ever since I was a young child.

Today, I'm going to give you a tutorial on a back tuck! I'm going to explain to you in steps that should help you learn this move in a fun and safe way. Before you try hucking (throwing yourself backwards, closing your eyes, and hoping for the best) make sure you try learning the basics before you break your neck. Too many people these days think they're invincible and try back tucks on flat ground or sometimes off picnic benches without any training! It makes me go crazy, because a buck tuck is not an easy move! It takes practice, and dedication just like any another trick you are ever going to learn.

Anyways enough with the ranting, here are the steps for a back tuck:

Step 1: Have a good spotter, and if it's your first time trying this move, make sure you have a soft matt to land on.

Step 2: Practice your set ( jumping and raising you hands high above your head to get max height)

Step 3: Get your spotter to help lift you onto his shoulder as you set, to get the feeling of starting to go backwards.

Step 4: Set onto the shoulder of your spotter, and this time tuck your knees as if you were to do a full flip.

Step 5: Set your arms, tuck your knees, and flip over your spotters shoulder with his/her assistance.

Step 6: Practice until your spotter doesn't have to help you flip over.

Step 7: Do the back tuck with your spotter assisting you from the side, making the flip greatly less assisted.

Step 8: Once, your spotter doesn't have to help you flip, try it on your own.

Watch this video to help you understand the steps. My good friend, Jonny Caines is performing the flip, and I'm spotting him. Note: he is a professional stuntman, and I'm a certified acrobatic instructor. Learning this flip might taking longer than a day. In fact when I was learning this flip it took me over a year to finally do it by myself. Some people learn faster than others though!

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Intro to flips, kicks, and tricks

Hey guys,

I just want to give you all a little sneak peak of some of things I'm going to be discussing in this blog. Mainly I'll be discussing tips, as well as experiences that I've had while training martial arts, tricking, parkour, and other cool styles of movement. I'll be posting lots of videos: tutorials, levelling up (which i'll discuss later on), and sometimes just cool tricks that I've learned and want to show to you all. I'll also be discussing training tips for beginner, intermediate, and advanced trickers/parkour artists, so that you can help further your training. The one thing that you must always do is be safe when training, and learning new moves; getting injured is the best way to stop yourself from improving, and nobody has time for that! Try using matts and spotters depending on your skill level, to help keep you safe. At the same time don't be too safe to the point where you are to afraid to try new skills. I'll be going into detail later on about safety tips in another blog, but you get the idea for now.

In case you were wondering, I have been studying karate for about 18 years, acrobatics for 7, tricking for 7 and parkour for about 5 years. I have put in a lot of hours at the gym and at home to get where I am today. This has been my passion for the past 7 years, and probably will be for the rest of my life. I hope some of you can share the love I have for movement with me.

 I hope you enjoy the first video, and teaser to this blog, and in it there is: flips, kicks, tricks, parkour and stunts. There is also a little sneak preview at the end of the video that I'll be blogging about as well, even though it's not my strength.

Enjoy, comment, and subscribe.